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ACC 2024 represents the confirmation of the LeanIng Project, the testing ground to assess all the improvements made to the team and its growth over the past two years, starting from the lessons learned from the Monaco experience (ACC 2022).


In these two years, the number of members has more than doubled (increasing from 13 to 27), and the University's support has become constant, thanks to the involvement of several professors from the Aerospace Engineering faculty.


The goals have become more ambitious, and the team is eager to demonstrate the value of the hard work done in these two years on the field!


This edition has brought a new element with which teams will have to contend: the aircraft's energy efficiency.

In fact, a competition format has been introduced that consists of a mission divided into two phases, each lasting 90 s: during the first, energy expended and distance covered will be measured, while the second will be the classic ACC test, where the score will be determined solely by the distance traveled.


One of the scoring categories will obviously be the payload carried during the mission, which will be added to the scores obtained in the two flight phases.


The dimensions of the model aircraft are constrained by the dimensions of the transport box, and the propulsion system is limited in the choice of the motor (fixed) and power it can develop in the competition, leaving the choice of propeller free.


Starting from August 2023, synergy among different team departments enabled the completion of "Tiramisù," the drone representing the University of Pisa at ACC 2024.


It will be entirely built in composite, mostly in sandwich, with various construction tests and meetings with experienced modelers conducted before proceeding with prototyping and race plane construction.


A test bench was built to experimentally characterize the propulsion system, and a certified course on CFD software usage was organized for the Aerodynamics department members.


These innovations have allowed us to achieve good levels of competence in all areas involved in model aircraft design.








This edition has brought a new element with which teams will have to contend: the aircraft's energy efficiency.

In fact, a competition format has been introduced that consists of a mission divided into two phases, each lasting 90 s: during the first, energy expended and distance covered will be measured, while the second will be the classic ACC test, where the score will be determined solely by the distance traveled.


One of the scoring categories will obviously be the payload carried during the mission, which will be added to the scores obtained in the two flight phases.


The dimensions of the model aircraft are constrained by the dimensions of the transport box, and the propulsion system is limited in the choice of the motor (fixed) and power it can develop in the competition, leaving the choice of propeller free.


Mercoledì 10 luglio, primo giorno di competizione, era dedicato alle ispezioni tecniche. Queste sono servite per certificare l'aereo per il volo, controllando che tutte le caratteristiche del velivolo rispettassero il regolamento e fossero fedeli al progetto descritto nel report tecnico inviato a inizio maggio. Una volta passato questo controllo meticoloso, il velivolo era pronto per una prima prova di volo, la quale è stata fatta per verificare il setup e prendere dimestichezza con le procedure di volo.
Giovedì 11 è stato il giorno principale della competizione, durante il quale si sono disputati due turni di volo validi ai fini del punteggio di gara.
L’ ultimo giorno di gara è stato venerdì 12, durante il quale è stato possibile disputare un solo turno di volo a causa delle condizioni meteo avverse con vento e pioggia forti.
Tutti e tre i voli sono stati completati con successo, e grazie a queste prestazioni la squadra è riuscita ad ottenere un ottimo 9° posto (9/30), raggiungendo così l'obiettivo che ci eravamo posti all'inizio del progetto di rientrare nella top 10!

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